The Replication Crisis Is Not Over

In the winter of 2016 at the largest annual gathering of social psychologists in the world, my collaborators and I were awarded one of the top prizes of the field for a paper we wrote presenting new ideas on the psychology of willpower. For someone who grew up with few books in the house and with parents who occasionally struggled to put meat on the table, I should have been on top of the world.

I wasn’t.

During that same conference I revealed that the work upon which our celebrated theory was based was not replicable, not real. With a large team of co-authors, I discovered that we could not duplicate what was supposed to be an accepted truth about how willpower worked. My own new ideas relied on this accepted truth; without it, there was little left for my theory to explain.

Discovering this, letting it really sink in, undid my world. I wasn’t alone in feeling this way. Everywhere I turned, it looked like my chosen field was becoming undone. It looked like my home discipline of social psychology was not built on a solid bedrock of facts and findings that were trustworthy and real and true. Instead, it felt like we were playing scientist without actually practicing science.

Some might cringe at my characterization. After all, social psychology is in the news every day, appearing to provide science-certified answers to life’s vexing questions, including questions about COVID-19. As I write this, articles appearing in major news outlets use psychology to explain why it took us so long to recognize the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic (blame the optimism bias!), offer advice on achieving peak mental health for a pandemic (celebrate idleness!), and offer guidance on how to best communicate about social distancing (explain why it is important!). We write bestselling books, we advise business and governments, and we affect educational policy.

Recent revelations make clear, however, that social psychology does not deserve such fawning attention. It’s not clear that people should be taking our advice or buying our books.

This might seem like a radical statement from a disgruntled scholar starving for the recognition that was always denied him. I am none of those things. By many accounts, I am a successful psychological scientist: I have published over one hundred journal articles, my work has been favorably cited by briefs to the Supreme Court of the United States, and I have given talks all over the globe. Yet, I no longer trust my early work.

Much of my work on willpower focuses on something called ego depletion. Ego depletion refers to the idea that self-control relies on a limited store of resources that gets depleted with use, sort of like mental fuel. When people use up this mental fuel, they cannot control themselves further. Ego depletion explains why if you’ve spent the morning controlling your emotions in the face of your intemperate boss, you might end up eating more fries at lunch, drinking an extra pint at the pub, or maybe flirting with a married coworker.

Given the prominence accorded self-control for a well-functioning life, ego depletion soon left social psychology and touched every other branch of psychology and allied fields, including marketing, finance, economics, neuroscience, education, and exercise science. Nobel laureates swooned over it.

Too bad it’s probably not real.

How could something come to dominate a scientific discipline for nearly two decades end up as the poster child for what many are calling the replication crisis? First, we have abused our inferential tools by massaging our data to make them say what we want as opposed to letting them reveal their truths. Second, we haven’t bothered publishing our failed experiments, an accounting of which is critical to unearth the true state of affairs. And, third, we forgot a key step in the knowledge generation puzzle—direct and independent replications. There are other abuses, but these three are why an entire generation of social psychologists is wringing its hands.

When I say we abused our inferential tools, I am not talking about fraud or scientific misconduct. We did not think there was anything wrong with these practices. We thought we were merely allowing the truth that was baked in the data to rise. We did not yet understand how badly these practices warped our scientific inferences. If your analyses don’t work out as planned, play around a little with your variables and see what happens: What happens if you add things to the mix? What happens if you exclude people with troublesome data? The point was to massage the data until it relaxed enough to reveal what everyone wanted: statistical significance.

These so-called questionable research practices, referred to more poetically as p-hacking in reference to statistical p-values, were commonplace in psychology. P-hacking was not something unscrupulous researchers did after dark when their more principled colleagues left the building. No, respectable and eminent scholars p-hacked out in the open, unashamed. My Ivy League professors explicitly encouraged us to p-hack. And because scientific writing is still an act of persuasion, we were taught to frame all the fruits of our exploration as if they were fruits of confirmation, as if we had predicted these baroque patterns all along.

Social psychology is further animated by structural priorities that stress confirmation. Our journals, universities, and scientific societies only care about our successes, deeming our failures uninformative and unworthy. If you scan any psychology journal, you will see success after success. Nearly every single psychology study published in academic journals vindicates the ideas of their genius makers. Or so it seems.

Reality is quite a bit different. Many of our hypotheses are duds. Often our tools lack the sensitivity to capture the vagaries of the human mind. We fail and we fail often. That’s simply how science works.

In psychology, however, we are prevented from seeing these failed studies, and thus learning from them. Failures to corroborate simply don’t make it into our journals; and the consequences of this omission cannot be overstated. By some counts, ego depletion has been successfully demonstrated 600 times. But, what if we later learned that it also failed 6,000 times? Our confidence in the reality of ego depletion would hinge dramatically on how many failures are out there.

One check on this shadow literature is direct replication. When we repeat our studies, we curb the animation of lifeless ideas. Unfortunately, direct replications were seen as unimportant in social psychology and hardly anyone was doing them.

Like many others, when I first learned of the warning signs—data massaging, refusal to air failed studies, shortage of direct replications—I barely shrugged. Yeah, we shouldn’t be doing these things, I told myself, but our ideas will check out. Just you wait.

What I saw next left me unsteady. Psychologists finally started verifying their studies, stress-testing social psychology by submitting it to direct replications. And the results were grim.

It started as a mere trickle. As upstart journals began publishing exact replications, even replications with unhappy endings. It was easy to delude myself, to not think much of these failed replications. But, soon a trickle became a surge and before long, much of social psychology appeared inundated with only a few solid rooftops above water.

Social psychology has been in turmoil for nearly a decade now, and some things have changed. P-hacking appears to be on the wane, and our journals occasionally publish failed studies and direct replications.

However, I am not as optimistic about our future as I was even a year ago. Scholars have grown tired of all the introspection, as such brooding makes us realize that we are dealing with even deeper crises of meaning. Agony is being slowly replaced with renewed confidence and desire to move on to sunnier times. You see this in the confidence with which people want to use findings in our field to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is noble intent here, scholars truly want to help. However, should a field that has been so debased be part of any conversation where human lives are at stake? Should we trust a field that no longer has an appetite to stress-test its canons for fear of what will be discovered?

I had hoped that the replication crisis would have left us chastened. Instead of humility, though, we seem full of pride, eager to tell the world about our latest findings. If the knowledge we produce is unmoored from reality, I believe we should think long and hard before giving advice.

Above all, we need to remind ourselves that despite wanting to move on, our field is still not well. We need to remind ourselves that the replication crisis is not over.


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Vices (with Elizabeth Page-Gould)

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: Vices (with Elizabeth Page-Gould)

Yoel and Mickey have their first repeat guest as Liz Page-Gould joins them to talk vices. Weed, booze and porn are all on the table (well, not literally) as we take on some popular vices. Why do you get paranoid when you smoke? Was alcohol really the impetus for agriculture? Is watching porn bad for your relationship? Bonus: learn who's watched porn in the last week.

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: What's Wrong with the IAT? (with Jesse Singal)


Two Psychologists Four Beers: What's Wrong with the IAT? (with Jesse Singal)

Journalist Jesse Singal joins Yoel and Mickey to talk about the state of science journalism, what he thinks is wrong with how people interpret the Implicit Association Test (IAT), and the pros and cons of moral outrage. Why do so many science journalists simply repeat talking points from university press releases? Is it ethical to administer the IAT as a teaching tool? What is social media like for a journalist?

Bonus: Yoel, Mickey, & Jesse discuss a new paper arguing there are upsides to moral outrage.


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Everybody Hates Social Media


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Everybody Hates Social Media

Mickey and Yoel take on social media. What are the upsides and downsides of being on social media, particularly Twitter? Why does Mickey ban himself from social media for most of the day? What led Yoel to abandon Twitter entirely for two weeks, and what drew him back in? Would the open science movement have happened without social media? Bonus: when is it a good idea to give voice to the voiceless?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: No Such Thing as Bad Publicity?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: No Such Thing as Bad Publicity?

Yoel and Mickey discuss how scientists should publicize their work. Should scientists issue press releases about their findings? Should they write op-ed columns to communicate directly with the public? If Yoel writes an op-ed about Mickey's paper, is that weird? Do scientists have an obligation to share their work with the public, or does self-promotion involve too many perverse incentives?

Bonus: Toronto sex doll brothel, raw water, and beaver fever.

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: Conservative Social Psychologist Wanted (with Clay Routledge


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Conservative Social Psychologist Wanted (with Clay Routledge

Yoel and Mickey welcome Clay Routledge to the show. Clay is a professor of psychology at North Dakota State University who studies the cognitive and motivational consequences of the search for meaning, including religion and other supernatural beliefs. Clay talks about his childhood growing up as the child of missionaries in Africa and the U.S., what it's like to be outside the liberal mainstream in psychology, and how religion and belief in alien visitors may be connected.


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Giving the Finger (with Alice Dregers)


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Giving the Finger (with Alice Dregers)

Yoel and Mickey welcome author, journalist, historian, and bioethicist Alice Dreger to the show. Alice, who wrote Galileo’s Middle Finger, discusses how her upbringing, her academic background, and her own Galilean personality led her to piss so many people off in the service of serving both truth and justice. Can academics pursue both truth and justice? What is a Galilean personality? Do activists pollute science? Why did Alice refuse to be lumped in with the so-called Intellectual Dark Web? How can we improve the way newspapers work?

Bonus: Why did Yoel and Mickey create an (Alice approved) drinking podcast?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Confessions of a Science Critic (with James Heathers)


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Confessions of a Science Critic (with James Heathers)

Yoel and Mickey ask how to know when the political Left has gone too far. Assuming the Left can indeed go too far--turning off even other progressives who feel abandoned by their natural political home--Yoel and Mickey riff on ways this might manifest. The conversation includes a discussion of identity politics, the problems with subjectivity, the challenge of balancing the desire for justice with the desire for truth, and the inherent problem of being both a scientist and activist. Before debating the supposed sins of the Left, Yoel and Mickey discuss a new paper overturning the cause of the so-called negativity bias (i.e., the notion that bad is stronger than good). Bonus: Mickey makes a risky hypothesis about German beers. Can any listeners provide evidence that disconfirms Mickey’s bold claim?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: When Does the Left Go Too Far?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: When Does the Left Go Too Far?

Yoel and Mickey ask how to know when the political Left has gone too far. Assuming the Left can indeed go too far--turning off even other progressives who feel abandoned by their natural political home--Yoel and Mickey riff on ways this might manifest. The conversation includes a discussion of identity politics, the problems with subjectivity, the challenge of balancing the desire for justice with the desire for truth, and the inherent problem of being both a scientist and activist. Before debating the supposed sins of the Left, Yoel and Mickey discuss a new paper overturning the cause of the so-called negativity bias (i.e., the notion that bad is stronger than good). Bonus: Mickey makes a risky hypothesis about German beers. Can any listeners provide evidence that disconfirms Mickey’s bold claim?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Yoel and Mickey Fall in Love (with Elizabeth Page-Gould)


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Yoel and Mickey Fall in Love (with Elizabeth Page-Gould)

Yoel and Mickey welcome their University of Toronto colleague and close friend, psychologist Elizabeth Page-Gould. Liz, who is an expert in close friendship, tries to help Yoel and Mickey fall in love with each other…and with her…by administering the so-called fast-friends procedure. By answering questions of increasing intimacy and revealing personal stories, Yoel, Mickey, and Liz grow in rapport over the course of the hour, sometimes uncovering deep emotions. Bonus: Yoel and Mickey discuss a new paper in Science Magazine suggesting that judgments of blue dots can help us understand the advent of concepts such as micro-aggressions.


Two Psychologists Four Beers: I Love how you Hurt Me (with Paul Bloom)

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: I Love how you Hurt Me (with Paul Bloom)

Yoel and Mickey welcome Yale psychologist Paul Bloom to the show, their very first guest. In a far ranging conversation, Yoel, Mickey, and Paul discuss the potential benefits of pain. Why do we sometimes choose to suffer? Are there any benefits (to self or society) to being a painful or disagreeable person? Why do we enjoy and seek out aversive fiction, be that in books, TV, or film? Why do so many of the goals that we set and pursue involve pain and suffering? Bonus: Yoel, Mickey, and Paul each completed a validated measure of agreeableness. Can you guess who came out on “top”?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: The Replication Crisis Gets Personal


Two Psychologists Four Beers: The Replication Crisis Gets Personal

In episode 4, titled The Replication Crisis Gets Personal, Yoel and Mickey discuss the replication crisis in psychology. What is meant by the replication crisis and how did it get started? Why does it appear like the field is split into two, with some young academics actively trying to reform psychology and more senior scholars suggesting the problems have been mostly overstated? How have academics dealt with the possibility that their own work might not be robust and replicable? Finally, how did one of the most notorious academic fraudsters get caught? Bonus: Did Mickey spike Toxoplasma gondii (crazy cat lady parasite) in Yoel’s beer?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: WTF is the IDW?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: WTF is the IDW?

In episode 3, titled WTF is the IDW, Yoel and Mickey take a deep dive into the so-called Intellectual Dark Web (IDW). What is the IDW and who are the prominent members of this group? Why do members of the IDW seem so cranky? Are members of the IDW actually being silenced, and given their massive popularity, who is silencing them? Is the IDW a positive and new development in our culture? Should the members of the IDW be concerned about some of their fans and followers? Bonus: Why did Yoel decide to have us drink the champagne of beers?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole

In episode 2, titled You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole, Yoel and Michael tackle problems of tone and incivility in online discussions of the scientific literature. What constitutes bullying and is the term abused to derail legitimate criticism? What is an ad hominem attack and when is it a fallacy? Finally, who's our favorite member of the Black Goat podcast?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: In search of the campus free speech crisis


Two Psychologists Four Beers: In search of the campus free speech crisis

In episode 1, titled In Search of the Campus Free Speech Crisis, Yoel and I tackle the alleged free speech crisis on campus. Is there reason to worry or are reports of left-wing intolerance overblown? We take a closer look and talk about what we do and don't feel comfortable saying on campus. We also address who we are we and why are we doing this.



Check Yourself Again

Some of you might be asking why I’m bothering to do this. In the parlance of our time, some of you might be wondering if I am speaking in a braggadocious manner, showing off.  If I am coming off this way, dear readers, please allow me this. In the past few months, I’ve revealed some skeletons in my closet, wallowed in self-pity, had fuck associated with my name, and divulged how I lost faith. So, please allow me this brief moment of pride.



The Unschooling of a Faithful Mind

More than having faith in individual findings, tools, or persons, practicing scientists need to have faith in the paradigm—the entire constellation of beliefs, values, and established ways of doing things. Without such faith, the entire enterprise falls apart. Without faith in past work, science can’t really make progress, needing to start anew with each new practicing scientist. 



Too Soon

I would love to have a measure of replicability without bothering to replicate papers. I would also love a ranking of journals based on replicability; or a ranking of department’s rate of replicability for that matter. I just don't think such a measure exists just yet.