Two Psychologists Four Beers: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole — Michael Inzlicht

Two Psychologists Four Beers: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole

In episode 2, titled You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole, Yoel and Michael tackle problems of tone and incivility in online discussions of the scientific literature. What constitutes bullying and is the term abused to derail legitimate criticism? What is an ad hominem attack and when is it a fallacy? Finally, who's our favorite member of the Black Goat podcast?

Episode 2: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole


Yoel Inbar and Michael Inzlicht have started a new podcast called, Two Psychologists Four Beers. The premise of the show is that Yoel and Michael slowly get (mildly) drunk while discussing news and controversies in science, academia, and beyond.

Here is where you can find the podcast:

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