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Two Psychologists Four Beers: Yoel and Mickey Fall in Love (with Elizabeth Page-Gould)


Two Psychologists Four Beers: Yoel and Mickey Fall in Love (with Elizabeth Page-Gould)

Yoel and Mickey welcome their University of Toronto colleague and close friend, psychologist Elizabeth Page-Gould. Liz, who is an expert in close friendship, tries to help Yoel and Mickey fall in love with each other…and with her…by administering the so-called fast-friends procedure. By answering questions of increasing intimacy and revealing personal stories, Yoel, Mickey, and Liz grow in rapport over the course of the hour, sometimes uncovering deep emotions. Bonus: Yoel and Mickey discuss a new paper in Science Magazine suggesting that judgments of blue dots can help us understand the advent of concepts such as micro-aggressions.


Two Psychologists Four Beers: I Love how you Hurt Me (with Paul Bloom)

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: I Love how you Hurt Me (with Paul Bloom)

Yoel and Mickey welcome Yale psychologist Paul Bloom to the show, their very first guest. In a far ranging conversation, Yoel, Mickey, and Paul discuss the potential benefits of pain. Why do we sometimes choose to suffer? Are there any benefits (to self or society) to being a painful or disagreeable person? Why do we enjoy and seek out aversive fiction, be that in books, TV, or film? Why do so many of the goals that we set and pursue involve pain and suffering? Bonus: Yoel, Mickey, and Paul each completed a validated measure of agreeableness. Can you guess who came out on “top”?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: The Replication Crisis Gets Personal


Two Psychologists Four Beers: The Replication Crisis Gets Personal

In episode 4, titled The Replication Crisis Gets Personal, Yoel and Mickey discuss the replication crisis in psychology. What is meant by the replication crisis and how did it get started? Why does it appear like the field is split into two, with some young academics actively trying to reform psychology and more senior scholars suggesting the problems have been mostly overstated? How have academics dealt with the possibility that their own work might not be robust and replicable? Finally, how did one of the most notorious academic fraudsters get caught? Bonus: Did Mickey spike Toxoplasma gondii (crazy cat lady parasite) in Yoel’s beer?


Two Psychologists Four Beers: WTF is the IDW?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: WTF is the IDW?

In episode 3, titled WTF is the IDW, Yoel and Mickey take a deep dive into the so-called Intellectual Dark Web (IDW). What is the IDW and who are the prominent members of this group? Why do members of the IDW seem so cranky? Are members of the IDW actually being silenced, and given their massive popularity, who is silencing them? Is the IDW a positive and new development in our culture? Should the members of the IDW be concerned about some of their fans and followers? Bonus: Why did Yoel decide to have us drink the champagne of beers?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole

In episode 2, titled You're not wrong Walter, you're just an a$$hole, Yoel and Michael tackle problems of tone and incivility in online discussions of the scientific literature. What constitutes bullying and is the term abused to derail legitimate criticism? What is an ad hominem attack and when is it a fallacy? Finally, who's our favorite member of the Black Goat podcast?

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: In search of the campus free speech crisis

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Two Psychologists Four Beers: In search of the campus free speech crisis

In episode 1, titled In Search of the Campus Free Speech Crisis, Yoel and I tackle the alleged free speech crisis on campus. Is there reason to worry or are reports of left-wing intolerance overblown? We take a closer look and talk about what we do and don't feel comfortable saying on campus. We also address who we are we and why are we doing this.

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