GETTING BETTER — Michael Inzlicht


Random musings about science, psychology, and what-have-yous

Viewing entries tagged
meta science

Two Psychologists Four Beers: Confessions of a Science Critic (with James Heathers)



Two Psychologists Four Beers: Confessions of a Science Critic (with James Heathers)

Yoel and Mickey ask how to know when the political Left has gone too far. Assuming the Left can indeed go too far--turning off even other progressives who feel abandoned by their natural political home--Yoel and Mickey riff on ways this might manifest. The conversation includes a discussion of identity politics, the problems with subjectivity, the challenge of balancing the desire for justice with the desire for truth, and the inherent problem of being both a scientist and activist. Before debating the supposed sins of the Left, Yoel and Mickey discuss a new paper overturning the cause of the so-called negativity bias (i.e., the notion that bad is stronger than good). Bonus: Mickey makes a risky hypothesis about German beers. Can any listeners provide evidence that disconfirms Mickey’s bold claim?



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